How You Can Help

 Prayer is big! Our God is big! The greatest gift you could give to our family is to be in continuous intentional prayer for our adoption. Pray for our child(ren) in Congo, pray for peace while we wait to bring them home, pray for God to move peoples hearts for the orphan and our adoption, and pray that the finances be provided to fund this journey He's called us on.

Adoption is expensive, simple as that. Even with making severe sacrifices in our personal budget and depleting our savings, we still fall short. Without your generosity the completion of this process will not be possible. Get creative when you consider donating. Your donations don't have to be limited to monetary donations (however, that is greatly appreciated). You could donate something for us to raffle or sell, donate time by volunteering to help at a fundraiser, donate air miles toward our travel or give us a fundraising idea you may have. Donations are truly limitless.

Help make our blog viral. Share on your Facebook, Twitter, through email, via your personal blog, tell your small group, your church, your friends & families. When people know about our blog, they know about the grace and faithfulness of Jesus, they know about the need of the orphan, and they know that if simple people like us can take action to God's call then maybe they can too. Sharing our story is the biggest compliment you could give.

"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion until the day of Jesus Christ" Philippians 1:6

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