September 23, 2011

Our BIG Decision!!

Well, if you haven't guessed what our decision is just by looking over our blog,
 let me fill you in...


I know, I know it seems crazy?! You're thinking "Why in the world would Ashton & Trey adopt? They can have kids of their own." or "Oh no, adopted kids are crazy. They'll have so many issues." or "Adoption is so expensive, you don't have that kind of money." :) Trust me we've heard it all. The real reason we have decided to adopt is because we have always felt a calling to adoption. We have talked about the subject several times throughout our marriage and always said it was something we wanted to day. Well folks, today is that day!!

God has placed a burning desire in our hearts to begin this process now. It is truly the biggest leap of faith that we have ever taken. Now I'm sure you're wondering...Why Ethiopia?

We chose Ethiopia for several reasons.
1. Ethiopia is one of the few countries that allows couples under 30 to adopt. We're only 23 so that was a biggie.
2. The countries adoption program is relatively quick compared to other countries. (about 12-18 months) 
3. It is one of the poorest nations in the world, with almost 5 million orphans.
4. We considered domestic adoption because there are lots of children in the US who need homes, but honestly none of those children are at such a risk for dying like the children in Ethiopia. 1 in 6 children die before their 5th birthday!
5. Our adoption will be noticable. We want to welcome a child of a different nationality into our home in hopes of that opening up doors to spread the news of how God adopted each one of us into his family, even if we were different. (Plus, they are absolutely gorgeous ;), but that's just a plus.)
6. But most of all, we chose Ethiopia because that's where God is leading us.

We know this is going to be a wonderful journey and no doubt frustrating at times, but we serve a mighty God who will be there for us every step of the way.  We trust that our Lord knows the plans he has for us, big plans. :)  We might not completely understand why he called us to adopt, but we know that's what he wants from us so we will follow.  I would much rather risk failure doing what He wants than risk displeasing Him. “My thoughts are completely different from yours,” says the LORD. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.”

Ok, now you're probably wondering about the child we will be adopting. :) We have decided that we are going to adopt a little boy whose age will be somewhere in the range of 6 months to 2 years. His name will be Kade Asher. Already my mind wanders thinking about him, if he is born yet, is he loved, is he hungry? My heart aches at these thoughts.

If you would, please begin praying for our son and our journey...
Pray for protection over Kade and his mother.
Pray for a smooth adoption process.
Pray for clarity, wisdom and strength for Trey and I throughout the process.
Pray that all the glory will go to God.
Pray that the funds will be raised to help us proceed with the adoption.
Also, pray for the agencies and people that we will be partnering with.

All in all, we are so thrilled about this step to growing our family! I hope you will join us on our journey.

(This video will help you understand why we chose adoption through Ethiopia.)


  1. Ashton, I have been reading through a lot of your posts this morning - and I am not totally sure why, but I have been crying and crying. This is beautiful what you all are doing and I think God is doing something in my heart as I am reading your blog - so thank you for following the Lord's leading. It is powerful!
